Modern dental diagnosis

is the basis of the quality and precision of every dental work and an essential element in dental implantation process.

Digital RTG devices are an indispensable part of any modern dental clinic. Zara Dental Center is equipped with complete 2D and 3D RTG diagnostics

Today, in only one visit, with the Morita Veraviewpocs 3D R100 device, at the first review and consultation with our doctors, we are able to quickly and accurately set up a precise diagnosis. Based on a safe and precise diagnosis, we prepare a detailed therapy plan for our patients.

Morita - 2D and 3D RTG diagnostics

CBCT - MORITA Veraviewpocs 3D R100

Low doses of radiation and high precision

CBCT - cone beam CT

3D Diagnostics - CBCT (cone beam CT)

ZDC has an advanced Morita CBCT 3D device that provides the ultimate CBCT image quality with minimal radiation. The CBCT allows bone display in 3 dimensions, which is necessary for precise and safe planning and implementation of implant therapy. The CBCT image provides adetailed insight into the width and height of the bones as well as the position of the surrounding important structures (mandibular channel, maxillary sinus).

Nobel Clinician

It is possible to check the bone density which is considered to be the main condition for implantplacing. That kind of image is the most important for setting up a detailed diagnosis and planning the safe installation of dental implants


Short exposure time to radiation

With exposure time of 7.4 seconds for panoramic view and only 9.4 seconds for 3D images, the patient is exposed only to short-term and minimal radiation.

High resolution and definition

Veraviewepocs offers high resolution images. It provides clear images of periodontal pockets, periodontal ligaments and alveolar bones. It is extremely useful for implant therapy from planning to postoperative observations.

3D images for implant planning

Successful implant placement begins with a very critical and detailed planning process. Identification of structures such as the sinus cavity, the lower alveolar nerve and a clear view of the bone structure is necessary. The Veraviewepocs 3D R100 is ideal for implant planning.

Decrease of radiation dose

Patients also have some benefits from CBCT scanning because radiation is considerably lower than conventional CT. CBCT scans the entire segment in one rotation. As a result radiation is reduced by up to 80% compared to standard CT.


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