Digital Smile Design

"Nothing you wear is more important than your smile." - Connie Stevens

Every smile is unique, but how many lucky ones are blessed with a perfect smile?

When we mention “perfect smile”; we don’t just mean healthy and well-shaped teeth, but also the way in which the smile fits with persons face and personality. At ZDC, we look at every patient as an individual, and therefore we offer you a unique solution, which is perfect just for you.

Digital Smile Design - DSD before Digital Smile Design - DSD after

What is DSD - Digital Smile Design?

DSD faze

Digital Smile Design is a special protocol of taking a photo, analyzing it and planning the next steps. After the design is complete, you will be able to see a virtual design of your new smile, prior to any work being done on your teeth.

Thanks to DSD, patients can see their new smile in advanced!

Digital Smile Design significantly improves the communication between you and your dentist. That way, we ensure complete satisfaction, as possibility for miscommunication or unsatisfaction with the completed work is eliminated.

This approach ensures more confidence, since you already have an idea of the final result, which is in compliance with your expectations and desires.

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Harmony, aesthetics and functions are key for a beautiful smile.

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DSD protocol

The process of digital smile design consist of 4 steps:

- initial exam and taking photographs
- digital analysis
- mock up smile
- finished prosthetics work

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DSD examples

Have a look at some of our DSD works

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Free dental exams & X-Ray services for new patients


Matije Gupca 33
23000 Zadar, Hrvatska
t. (+385) 98 22 69 18
